NOTE: This blog is for a special topics course at Texas A&M (ML for Cyber Defenses). During each lecture a student presents information from the assigned paper. This blog summarizes and further discusses each topic.

During this seminar, Daehee Han presented Lost at C: A User Study on the Security Implications of Large Language Model Code Assistants. After their presentation our class had an open discussion related to the paper and more. This blog post will cover a summary of the information presented as well as a summary of our class discussion.

Presenation Summary


  • LLMs trained on code can enhance developer productivity with features like code completion and bug fixing, evidenced by rapid adoption of tools like GitHub Copilot
  • Despite productivity gains, LLMs may introduce security vulnerabilities, raising concerns about the use of LLM-based code assistants without caution
  • A study compared the security of code produced by developers with and without LLM-based code completion assistance, focusing on low-level programming tasks
  • Results indicate minimal security impact from LLM assistance, with AI-assisted developers producing only slightly more security-critical bugs than non-assisted peers
  • Prompts to suggestions: How LLMs Code
    • LLMs like GPT-type transformers generate sequences of tokens based on observed token frequency, acting as advanced autocomplete tools, predicting probable next tokens in given inputs
    • They utilize byte pair encoding for tokenization, enabling the processing of more information within fixed-size input windows; Codex, for instance, extends GPT-3’s tokenizer to better handle code indentation
    • Autoregressive in nature, LLMs can predict sequences of tokens (not just one at a time), allowing for the generation of large code blocks, leveraging methods like beam search to optimize predictions

Discussion Summary

  • There is no defined current baseline regarding AI/LLM performance
    • Comparing two different AI models is equivalent to comparing two different user groups (ex: comparing bad to good models and comparing groups of bad programmers to good programmers)
    • This paper proposes a unique user study: surveying users in regards to LLMs, something we are not used to
  • Measuring complexity of software:
    • Typically lines of code
    • Measuring number of bugs per lines of code for robustness of security
  • Measuring lines of code is not a good metric for LLMs
    • LLMs don’t necessarily produce better code, but they are able to produce much more code
    • A question in research is how to define this metric for LLMs
  • CWEs (Common Weakness Enumeration) vs CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
    • CWE is a categorization of a weakness, a particular instance of the vulnerability
    • CVEs are cases reported that were actually exposed
  • Bugs vs vulnerabilities: bugs can just be logical errors whereas vulnerabilities can be exploited by attackers
  • Safety vs security:
    • Safety is about the functionality of your own system (such as fault tolerance) whereas security relates to external factors
    • Essentially, safety is concerned with the correctness of logic and design and security is concerned with protecting from external actors
  • TCB (Trusted Code Base)
    • The components we trust in a system
    • Regarding code, the compiler is in the TCB first
    • Libraries can be in the TCB, because the OS controls the libraries and ensures that they cannot be modified
    • OS needs to be in TCB, who guarantees security of the OS? The bootloader
    • Need to include bootloader, the hardware ensures security of bootloader (TPM)
    • Generally, need to account for components in the TCB
  • Similar studies were performed and there were discrepancies in performance
    • More recent study shows that LLMs performed well, because of more advanced LLM techniques and advancements

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Examining Zero-Shot Vulnerability Repair with Large Language Models (Seminar 10.1)
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Online Binary Models are Promising for Distinguishing Temporally Consistent Computer Usage Profiles (Seminar 11.1)